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We don't just roll over when we retire. We join ARF, the UNCG Association of Retired Faculty.

Why Join ARF?

Continue your support of UNCG!
Continue to associate with your colleagues!
Continue to engage with students!
Continue to make your voice heard! ARF!!!
Continue to party!
But continue at your leisure!












Testimonial from Vicki McCready

Academic Professional

Professor Emeritus

Retired 2012

vicki mccready on day of retirement

My last day at UNCG is captured in this photo at the end of July, 2012. Having worked here for 29 years as a faculty member in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders and as the Director of the UNCG Speech and Hearing Center, I had some mixed feelings about retiring from my “second home.” Although I knew it was time for me to go and I was happy about beginning a new chapter in my life, I also felt sad to leave my colleagues, students and my connection to UNCG.

Now five years later, I am so pleased to find out about the ARF that would offer me a formal connection to the university and an opportunity to relate to both retired faculty and present faculty on a regular basis. Then I saw the list of benefits and I was sold!