Our ARF Board has identified a number of ways for our members to stay connected to the University and provide some much-needed service as mentors, committee members, and/or short-term instructors. Our plan is to update and post these opportunities on our website each fall. We hope members will consider participating in some of the following roles.
Office of Leadership & Civic Engagement |
Coaching Silver Leadership StudentsThe Silver Leadership Challenge pairs a student with a leadership coach who helps them explore and discover aspects of their leadership. This level of leadership preparation focuses on community service and professional development. The following training and materials are provided to individuals interested in this leadership mentoring relationship:
Retired faculty who wish to coach should fill out the program’s Google form with information about themselves that then will be utilized to pair the coach with the right student. Coaches are added to a Google Drive, where all the materials they need are located. All materials in the coaching handbook, such as worksheets, can be accessed by the students on a Canvas page (similar to Blackboard or Moodle) Once paired, it is the student’s responsibility to set up sessions with a coach. Coaching sessions are encouraged to be done on Zoom or similar platform. Most students take 2 semesters to complete the silver challenge, which means coaches will meet with their student about 1 time per month, for a total of 6 times. The student has full responsibility for logging information & documenting sessions. The coach’s main role is to be a guide for the student and aid in their success. The OLCE office serves as a resource if the coach or student needs assistance. More information on the Silver Leadership Challenge can be found here: https://olce.uncg.edu/silver/ If you would like to be a coach but need more information or have questions, please contact Zach Bell ([email protected]) in the Office of Leadership and Civic Engagement. Leadership Speaker Series PodcastThe purpose of this podcast is to engage the UNCG community by highlighting faculty, staff, students, community partners, and anyone else who embodies what it means to be a change-maker. If interested in being interviewed, Zach Bell ([email protected]) will set up an appointment to discuss potential topics for the podcast and set a recording date. He will draft a set of interview questions to share with you in advance. He will then send a zoom link and calendar invite for the agreed upon recording date. One hour is set aside to record, but we will keep the recorded portion of the podcast to around 25 minutes. The additional time is to work through any potential technical issues and have some buffer time if needed Our past episodes can be found here: https://olce.uncg.edu/podcast/ |
Lloyd International Honors College |
Scholars ProgramRetired Faculty can participate in interviewing students for the Scholars Program. Lloyd International Honors College awards four prestigious, merit-based scholarships each admissions cycle: the Katharine Smith Reynolds Scholarship, the Class of ’55 Scholarship, the Sloan Scholarship, and the Hayes Scholarship. In order to recruit the students who will contribute significantly to our Honors College and UNCG communities, the Honors College hosts two interview days in the Spring (February 11 and March 18 in 2022), and invites emeritus faculty to serve as interviewers. Faculty interviewers will be grouped in teams of three with two faculty/emeritus/staff members and one current scholar. Interviewers are provided with a list of questions and an evaluation rubric, and are welcome to offer other feedback as well. Interviews will last from 2-4 p.m. on both days. Interviewers may serve on only one or both interview dates. For more information or to request a spot on an interview team, please contact Dr. Rebecca Muich at [email protected]. Research SymposiumRetired Faculty can participate in chairing sessions or judging presentations at the Annual Undergraduate Honors Symposium hosted yearly in the spring semester by Lloyd International Honors College. All UNC Greensboro students are invited to submit a paper for presentation along with students from all North Carolina Honors Colleges and Programs. Students typically present on a three-person panel that runs 50 minutes, with each presenting approximately 10 minutes with Q&A to follow. Each session is chaired by a faculty or staff person and duties include introducing the student presenters, asking a question if the audience does not, and generally overseeing that the session ends on time. This year, on Friday, March 25, 2022, Lloyd International Honors College will host the 22nd Annual Undergraduate Honors Symposium which will be held virtually. Additionally, this year the Honors College will be judging Symposium presentations for the first time rather than judging the papers themselves. A digital judging rubric will be provided. If you are interested in either chairing or judging or both, please contact Dr. Angela Bolte, Assistant Dean of Lloyd International Honors College, via email: [email protected] Honors Programming & WorkshopsRetired Faculty can participate in Lloyd International Honors College’s various programming and workshops. These include “Food for Thought” (selected noon lectures and conversations); “Let’s Learn: The World as Classroom” (remote free classes from around the world); and “Monday Play!/Wednesday Play!” (Improvisation sessions to develop one’s creative skills, foster curiosity, and build one’s capacity to be courageous … and laugh, a lot)
Human Rights Research Network |
Film moderatorEach academic year UNCG’s Human Rights Research Network (HRRN) sponsors a Human Rights Film Series that includes up to six films shown between September and April. For example, this fall’s theme is “Empire,” beginning with the showing of Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror, which will be shown online Tuesday, September 28th, at 6:30pm, moderated by Dr. Jeff Jones from the Department of History. For news about upcoming films and the Human Right Research Network, please visit the website. Currently films are being shown online, but the series hopes to return to its on-campus venue when health conditions allow. When the audience meets on-campus, each film is introduced by a moderator who, following the film’s showing, leads a group discussion and Q&A session. On campus, a reception follows so that attendees can continue the conversation. HRRN faculty would greatly welcome retired faculty attendance and involvement with the film series. If you would like to serve as a film moderator or have a recommendation for a film that the Series should consider for its future schedule, please contact ARF Board member, Jerry Pubantz ([email protected]). |
International Programs Center |
Mentoring or Serving on a Campus Interview PanelEach year, many deserving UNCG students apply for prestigious fellowships and scholarships (Fulbright, Boren, Marshall, Goldwater, Truman, Rhodes, Gates Cambridge, Udall, etc.). Retired faculty can assist their efforts by serving on a campus interview panel, mentoring an applicant, helping with his or her application essays, providing valuable feedback and guidance. or by providing language evaluations. Currently, there are two Rhodes applicants (one domestic and one international) that may be in need of a mock interview panel. Would this be something you might be able to help with, should they make it to that stage of the process? Their areas of study are environmental sustainability and global/area studies (focus on Japan and the Middle East). If the candidates make it through the early process, an interview committee will be needed shortly after mid-October. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Heidi Bretz ([email protected]), the fellowships advisor in the International Programs Center. More generally, if you are interested in submitting your name as a possible volunteer for future participation in the fellowship process, please see all the ways available to you on IPC’s fellowship webpage. There is a Google Form you can complete to express your willingness to assist in one of several capacities with fellowships for our deserving students. Called the “Faculty Interest Mentor form,” it is a convenient link found at the bottom of the IPC page. |
Our ARF Board has identified a number of ways for our members to stay connected to the University and provide some much-needed service as mentors, committee members, and/or short-term instructors. Our plan is to update and post these opportunities on our website each fall. We hope members will consider participating in some of the following roles.