(Note: Some benefits are for retired members only.)
Parking is free for retirees with a pass.
Have a say about and join in ARF projects.
Vote in elections, run for a position on the Board of Directors and serve on committees.
Recommend policies and procedures regarding UNCG’s relationship with retired faculty.
ARF members are also eligible for other privileges and benefits offered by the University, such as those provided to faculty with emeritus status and certain other benefits for all retired faculty.
Attend a variety of social and professional programs and events sponsored by the ARF.
Receive free hearing and/or communication screening from the UNCG Speech and Hearing Center.
Become members of the Weatherspoon Art Museum at a reduced rate and, as members, be informed of all activities and some member benefits.
Receive the lowest non-student ticket rates for the University Concert and Lecture Series.
Attend events offered by the School of Dance at the same rate as seniors and non-UNCG students.
Attend events offered by the School of Theatre at the student discount rate.
Attend selected courses and events offered by the Lloyd International Honors College at no cost.
Emeritus status provides for continued access to certain University services and privileges. Among the benefits enjoyed are library privileges, listing in the University catalogs and the Faculty/Staff/Student Directory, parking privileges, identification cards providing access to academic and recreational areas of the campus, faculty/staff rates for University productions and events, and receipt of announcements and other materials from various offices throughout the University.
The Kaplan Wellness Center offers retiree memberships. The information about pricing, etc. is on the Kaplan Wellness Center website.
A $25 discount per course is available to retired faculty who register for emeritus classes.
Our ARF Board has identified a number of ways for our members to stay connected to the University and provide some much-needed service as mentors, committee members, and/or short-term instructors. Our plan is to update and post these opportunities on our website each fall. We hope members will consider participating in some of the following roles.