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In the spring of 2017, Provost Dana Dunn appointed a steering committee to explore the possibility of establishing an association of retired faculty at UNCG.  The Committee’s initial members were the following:

Pamela Williamson, Chair, Fellow to the Provost (2016-2017, charged by the Provost with studying the interest in establishing a group for retired faculty, conducting a needs assessment, etc.)

L. DiAnne Borders, Professor, Department of Counseling and Educational Development

Susan Dennison, Emeritus Associate Professor, Department of Social Work

Diane Gill, Professor, Department of Kinesiology

Spoma Jovanovic, Professor, Department of Communication Studies

Elizabeth (Betsy) Lindsey, Professor, Department of Social Work

Vicki McCready, Emeritus Academic Professional (AP) Professor, Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders

Stephen Yarbrough, Professor, Department of English

ARF committee members group photo
(Pictured from left to right: Stephen Yarbrough, L. DiAnne Borders, Spoma Jovanovic, Susan Dennison, Diane Gill, Vicki McCready, Elizabeth Lindsey)

The Committee met several times during the spring, summer, and fall to review results of a survey of retired faculty around their interest in a retired faculty association, and, based on the results, proceeded to write a mission statement and plan an initial social event to invite retired faculty to the UNCG campus for a feasibility and planning discussion.  During Fall 2017, they investigated the steps (and options) of establishing such a group and then met with the Office of the University Counsel, who drew up the legal papers necessary to establish the organization as a 501-C (3) non-profit functioning as a University Affiliate organization, and wrote the Bylaws, as required by Articles of Incorporation. The original Incorporators (Susan Dennison, Betsy Lindsey, and Stephen Yarbrough), as required by law, designated an Acting Board to serve in a legal capacity until a full slate of Officers and At-Large Board members could be elected during the first Annual Meeting, to be held in the spring.  During this time, the Committee organized three important meetings: (1) an inaugural luncheon held October 6, 2017; (2) an organizational meeting to be held January 25, 2018, and (3) the first ARF Annual Meeting (date to be announced). Members of the Committee also met with Susie Boles, Instructional Technology Consultant for UNCG Online, who helped the Association set up its website and online dues payment system.