• 1100 West Market St., Greensboro, NC 27403-1830
News and Events
15 September 2021 - 13:25, by , in Uncategorized, Comments off
Welcome Jerry!
15 September 2021 - 13:24, by , in Uncategorized, Comments off
We thank Tim for his service and welcome Diane to this new role.
17 May 2021 - 17:00, by , in Uncategorized, Comments off
These documents are from the ARF Annual Business Meeting on Zoom, May 12, 2021 ARF Annual Provost Report 5.12.21 ARF 2020-2021 End of Year Presentation
9 April 2021 - 19:07, by , in Uncategorized, Comments off
The next ARF meeting will be Wednesday, May 12, 2021 on Zoom from 4 pm till 5:30 pm. This is our annual business meeting when officers are (re)elected and our program plans for next year are revealed. Interim Provost Terri Shelton will be our guest speaker. ARF Annual Business Meeting Agenda Wednesday-May 12, 2021 on Zoom...
6 January 2021 - 16:44, by , in Uncategorized, Comments off
Happy New Year ARF Members, I am sure many of you are ready for 2020 to be over and hopefully soon all of us will have the opportunity to get the vaccine. I know some return to normal would be most welcomed. We hope you can join us for one or both TED Talks where...
1 September 2020 - 14:27, by , in Uncategorized, Comments off
We hope to see many of you at one or more of these events: Thursday – 9/17/20 from 11 am till 12 noon:  AARP will present AARP NC to Mobilize Older Voters Ahead of 2020 Elections:  A Campaign to Focus on Protecting 50-plus Voters and Making Their Voices Heard.  This presentation will outline election issues of concern to 50+...
18 August 2020 - 18:45, by , in Uncategorized, Comments off
ARF Members, We would also like to bring to your attention some very interesting courses being offered by the following programs during Fall 2020: UNCG Emeritus Society will begin their fall courses the first week of September and details about how to register and course descriptions can be found at the below link. https://www.serveincstore.org/pages/emeritus-society OLLI at Duke...
13 August 2020 - 19:15, by , in Uncategorized, Comments off
Our Next Book is Here! This summer has seen an unprecedented groundswell of support for the racial justice movement in America. Sparked by the killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd, uprisings across the country have led to challenging and critical discussions around race and equity. One of the ways we can all...
26 May 2020 - 18:17, by , in Uncategorized, Comments off
Good Afternoon ARF Members, I hope all of you are well and enjoying this beautiful summer weather.  For those of you who could not join us for the ARF Annual Business meeting on May 20th I want to summarize the election results and acknowledge the work of our amazing Board.  Following are the officers and...
26 May 2020 - 17:28, by , in Uncategorized, Comments off
ARF Annual Business MeetingDownload